Couponsaledeals.com is a "mom created website" that helps online shoppers to get deals and promotional codes. The Publisher takes time upon looking and publishing these online deals and coupons for the online community so that visitors can avail of discounts, sales, or deals and share these coupons in order to save money.
The goal of this website is for you to save your hard-earned money by availing and sharing discounted items, hot deals and coupons from various online stores. The Publisher also publishes some articles including reviews that could be helpful for the online community.
There might be instances that the coupons posted have already expired but as much as possible, the Publisher tries to update them. The articles are only based on the ideas and opinions of the Publisher of this website so if you have any comments or recommendations in order to correct them, they are all welcome.
Couponsaledeals.com may update this "About Us" webpage. You can give any question or give a comment. We are open to your suggestions.
Kindly contact us through the form or you may give a comment below. Thank you in advance.
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